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Sketchnoter extraordinaire, Mike Rohde put our Fall edition, “Dime Novel” through its paces and posted this lovely page. Thanks for that. BTW, there’s a lot more to sketchnoting than you might imagine, and Mike’s site is a great place to learn about it.
Generosity of Spirit
Along with author Kevin Guilfoile, we used the MLB Playoffs as a time period to raise money for hurricane relief for Puerto Rico, in the name of the late, great Roberto Clemente. You guys really went to bat on the effort. Wow. We sold almost 700 copies of A Drive into the Gap which means that together we donated $8304 to United for Puerto Rico. You guys rock.
Spotted in the Wild

Bombycilla cedrorum
Our waterproof and virtually indestructible Expedition Edition just made an appearance in the Audubon Guide to Birding Gear. It’s the perfect notebook to have on hand when you stumble upon a grove full of Cedar Waxwings passing berries from beak to beak, and generally making a ruckus while picking all the bushes clean.
If you see us featured in a gift-guide this holiday season, let us know. As usual, we’ll assemble a list. If a publication is featuring Field Notes, it’s more than likely they’re featuring other stuff worth checking out. This is definitely the case in Wired Magazine’s recent “25 Amazing Gifts Under $25.” Woot.
We Really Should Have Been Better at This

The Analog posted this fun quiz called Real or Fake. They asked, “In the first 35 Quarterly Editions of Field Notes, there have been 690 ‘Practical Applications’ listed. How well do you know them?” Truth be told we didn’t do very well, and we wrote them all! BTW, it looks like it’s due for an update, but Andy at Field Notes Colors has collected Practical Apps from most of the editions we’ve ever made. Thanks for that effort.
814 Miles To Go

Are you following Ben Saunders Trans-Antarctic Solo Journey? You should be. We’re proud to be a sponsor and even prouder that our Expedition Edition is being put to good use on the way.
Happy Hour Pop-Up Shop
We’ll be open Saturdays from noon to 4 during the holidays and we’re doing some fun collaborations on Thursday evenings too. Our first one is this week, on the 30th from 4-7. Come for free beer and nerdy fun. Check all the details here.