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Our latest Staple Day Newsletter contained a simple contest. We asked you to “Send us either, a photo of a Field Notes on location on a trip you took this summer, or, the inside pages containing notes, drawings, or maps of a summer trip.”
Thanks for the hundreds of entries. You guys covered a lot of ground this summer. These ten folks each have “Mile Marker” Edition and “Trailhead” Edition 3-Packs on the way to them: BC, Joe M, Joey O, Eric L, Conor C, Nathan H, Teresa B, Panagiota M, Carl N, and Chris D.
Make sure you’re on The List to receive Staple Day newsletters and also new product news and deals. We don’t mail very often, and we make sure it’s worthwhile when we do.

BC in front of the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC along with a “Clandestine” Edition. Fitting choice.

Joe M, with “Signs of Spring” in Barcelona.

A view from Joey O‘s camp in the North Cascades.

Notes and a map from Eric L’s family trip to Tahiti and Moorea.

Conor C's notes from a weekend trip home to Maine in an “Index“ Date Book .

Nathan H with a “Shenandoah” Edition right home in Shenandoah Nat’l Park.

Teresa B took a “Coastal” Edition to the coast.

An “Expedition,” baptized by Panagiota M in the waters of the beautiful Swiss river La Veveyse

Carl N’s vintage “Northerly” Edition in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.

The coordinates of where Chris D proposed to his partner of 12 years. (She said yes.)