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Thanks to Jillian who grabbed this frame showing one of our Chicago Memo Books making a cameo in the recent movie Late Night, starring Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling.
Notes from the Field
Tim Goodfellow wrote about us for his Brand Review.
“Sure, conventional data would suggest they should amp up their marketing, send out more emails, offer more products etc. However, as they admit, they have resisted any changes that are not in keeping with their brand. They aim for quality over quantity.”
“The fact that you could probably guess all this - a love for the craft, a clear vision, integrity and a quality product above all else - simply from the product itself shows that the branding is clear and at the heart of what they do.”
Thanks for that, and also to Jan Halvarson of Poppytalk who wrote about our “National Parks” Series, Chris Gonzalez of Tools & Toys, on the new Wilco x Field Notes Box Set, and Valet Mag for including us in this week’s “Stylish Items” rundown.
Get Focused

Jenn S. took this shot of her Joshua Tree Memo Book from our “National Parks” Series in just exactly the right spot. It’s one of many entries submitted to our “Put It There” Photo Contest. We have extended the deadline until the end of September, so visit a National Park soon with your camera, and you might win a Year Long Subscription.
Breaking News

In case you missed it, when we went back on press to make more of our Reporter’s Notebook, Front Page, we decided to make a few upgrades. The cover stock is a bit heavier now, for better stability when holding the book with one hand while writing with the other. We’ve introduced a new colorway too. Neenah Paper’s 130#DTC (Double Thick Cover) in “Wrought Iron” Grey gives the Front Page a look for serious journalism, and the “Hot Metal” Silver ink used on all the text and the “Power of the Pen” logo adds a bit of fun. They’re available now.
Legends of the Fall
Our Fall Quarterly Release is on press as I write this. It’s one of those concepts that takes a bit of precision, a fair amount of testing, and some old-fashioned craftsmanship in order to produce what in the end is just perfectly simple. We can’t wait for you to see it. Ahem. Did you know the year-long subscribers frequently receive exclusive bonus items with their quarterly shipments?
If you’ve been thinking of subscribing, c’mon and jump in right now starting with the “National Parks” Series. We’ll ship you ALL THREE National Parks 3-Packs right away and you’ll be all set when Fall drops. Click here for more information about subscribing.