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For Your Next Dungeons & Dragons Adventure
5E Gaming Journals
Custom Character, Game Master, and Monster Journals

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These Pair Nicely
Hail, and well met, adventurer!
We present thee with these Field Notes journals for the fifth edition of “the world’s greatest roleplaying game,” Dungeons & Dragons. With Character Journals for players, and Game Master & Monster / Encounter Journals for GMs, our 5E Journals cover all three D&D core rulebooks.

We see a lot of graph paper here at Field Notes, but even after years of making our Memo Books, it’s hard to see those little squares without wanting to map out a route through a subterranean dungeon or an abandoned castle. Which path will lead us to the dragon, berserker, or whatever other enemies stand between us, treasure, and glory?
While our original Field Notes served us well for general map-making and note-taking, we were craving purpose-built books to track our progress. With some help from our more-experienced dungeoneering friends, we set out on an adventure to make the three best, most complete, most useful 5E role-playing and game-mastering journals available.

Character Journals
Our Character Journals are specifically designed to help you track your D&D character’s statistics, spells, weapons, treasure, history, and more. The 64 pages have room for all of the data normally found on a character sheet, and more, including plenty of space to document your adventure level by level.*
Each book in the 2-Pack is designed to track one character. Inside, you’ll find empty charts, tables, and spaces for logging the following character information:
- Character Elements
- Race Details / Ancestry Details
- Personality Traits / Bonds / Ideals / Flaws
- Background / Backstory
- Class / Subclass / Class Table / Character Stats
- Attacks / Spellcasting / Languages / Ammunition
- Spellcasting Table / Favorite and Frequent Spells
- Proficiencies and Skills
- Equipment / Money / Treasures
- Downtime and Leisure Activity Tracking
- Character Level Notes
- Allies / Hirelings / Sidekicks
- Faction Details
- Campaign Quotes and Notes
- Behind-the-Scenes / Thoughts / Theories
- Session Log

Game Master Journals
A good GM deserves a journal worthy of the tales they spin. Whether creating a magnum opus for a years-long campaign, or setting the scene for a series of smaller adventures, our Game Master Journal has you covered.
This Game Master Journal is the perfect companion for the big-picture world-building that so many GMs strive for. Whether using official sourcebooks or homebrewing your own lands for your party to explore, the Game Master Journal is a book no GM should be without.
Inside each Game Master Journal you’ll find empty charts, tables, hex grids, and spaces for logging the following campaign information:
- Campaign Name / Players
- Inspirations
- House Rules
- World Overview / Principles
- Core Assumptions / Genres
- Multiverse
- Major Pantheon / Minor Pantheon
- Calendar
- Maps / Kingdoms / Settlements / Locations
- Key NPCs / Secondary NPCs
- Player Characters
- Major Factions / Minor Factions
- Key Monsters
- Key Magic Items
- Artifacts
- Downtime Activities Underway
- Milestone / XP Awards
- Adventures
- Random Tables

Monster/Encounter Journals
Whether plotting a major campaign or simply prepping a one-shot game night, every encounter is worth considering in detail, and every encounter needs a memorable foe. This book aims to help with both!
The front half of each book features space to design 15 challenging and unforgettable encounters. The second half of each book gives you ample space to create 15 unique and completely original monsters. Inside each Monster / Encounter Journal you’ll find:
- Encounter Building Tips
- 15 spreads for Encounter Design
- Monster Building Tips
- a Monster Creation table
- 15 spreads for Monster Design

Set for Anything
To create your world and get your game going as quickly and efficiently as possible we’ve put together an Adventure Set. It includes everything you need to get your next D&D game or campaign, um, rolling.
Each Adventure Set includes:
2 - 5E Character Journal 2-Packs
1 - 5E Game Master Journal 2-Pack
1 - 5E Monster/Encounter Journal 2-Pack
7 - Custom “Futura” Dice Set
6 - No. 2 Woodgrain Pencils
You’ll save over fifteen dollars compared to buying the items individually.
Taking Sides
We like to surprise people, but sometimes the solution is obvious. If the question is, “What kind of gaming dice would Field Notes make?” Of course the answer is, perfectly simple ones featuring the Futura Bold typeface. So that’s what we did and they are only available as part of the Adventure Set. Let’s roll.

Field Notes quality, Dungeon-tested
Each 2-Pack includes two “Note Book”-sized Character Journals or Game Master Journals, 4-3/4" x 7-1/2", with French Paper Co “Pop-Tone” 100# covers printed with “Hell Hound Black” ink, featuring handy data, tables, and diagrams for reference. The body pages are beefy Domtar Lynx Ultra Smooth 70# text with clear-but-subtle “Adventuring Bindle Light Brown” ink.
And hey, if you’re inclined to roll your d20 late into the evening, you’ll probably also want some graph paper to go along with these journals. Please take a look at other products; we have a variety of books, writing instruments, pencil cases (a.k.a. dice bags!) and other goodies to help you slay (or befriend) the orcs you’ll encounter on your quest.
* Again, to be clear, these are not plain paper note books, they are specifically formatted with empty charts and tables for 5E fantasy roleplaying.
Field Notes 5e Character Journals are designed for use with the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons as permitted under the Open Game License version 1.0a.
Dungeons and Dragons and all related trademarks are the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (WOTC). Field Notes Brand is not affiliated with nor licensed by WOTC.
- 01.
Each Character Journal (2 per pack) is designed for a single character. Each Game Master Journal (2 per pack) is designed for a single campaign.
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Proudly printed and bound by the good people of Active Graphics, Cicero, Ill., and Able Printing Services, Berwyn, Ill.
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Cover: French Pop-Tone 100#C “Wild Cherry” (Character Journals) or "Grape Jelly" (Game Master Journals) or “Blu Raspberry” (Monster/Encounter Journals) with a brute force application of “Hell Hound Black” soy-based Saphira inks.
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Innards: Domtar Lynx Opaque Smooth 70#T “White” with a fine application of “Adventuring Bindle Light Brown” ink.
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Cover and innards printed on a Komori Lithrone S40 40" 6-color offset printing press.
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Bound with a Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST 270 5-pocket saddle stitcher.
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Corners rounded to a 1/2" (12.7mm) radius on a Thompson Platen Press by Intra-Cut Diecutting, Chicago, Ill.
- 08.
Dimensions are 4-3/4" × 7-1/2" (121mm × 191mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927).
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
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Special thanks to Will the Wondrous, Eric the Esteemed, Nate the Notorious, Ben the Benevolent, and Wally the Witty for their contributions to these Gaming Journals.
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FN-CJ UPC: 858493003882, FN-GMJ UPC: 858493003912, FN-MEJ UPC: 850032279024