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Cold Horizon
A Blue Gradient Across Three Glossy Covers

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Our 21st QUARTERLY Edition
A Blended Range of Blues
Like some earlier Field Notes Quarterly Editions, our 21st offering, Cold Horizon, features three seasonally-inspired colors, but this time we’ve blended a range of three blues across all three notebooks, invoking the deeply saturated winter twilight sky, fluorescent glacial water, and the shiny metallic glimmer of the Aurora Borealis.

The covers are printed with the blue gradient and white text on a very glossy UV-coated 120-lb Appleton Utopia One stock. The inside covers are the opposite, white with the text (including new “Practical Applications”) printed in the same blue gradient. Arranged side by side, or back to back, the blues fade evenly from book to book. Inside, you’ll find Finch Opaque 50-lb text stock, tinted a different color in each book — light green, light blue, and cool gray — all with a light gray 3/16" graph grid.

You’re busily getting ready for winter, and its associated holidays, but are you sure you’ve remembered everything? We’ve prepared this filmed list of basic winter preparedness tips that you’ll surely find useful:
Whether you spend the winter months hot-tubbing with friends at the lodge, celebrating with family, or nesting by the fire and making plans for spring, you’ll find plenty of ways to fill your Field Notes with great ideas and good information.
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Proudly printed by the good people of Burke Printing, Lake Forest, Ill.
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Cover: Appleton Utopia One 120#C Gloss "White," with a gradient of "Arctic Night," "Glacial Pool," and "Frozen Steel" soy-based Toyo inks and a UV coating.
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Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T "Bright White," with a light wash of light green, light blue, or cool gray, with graph printed in light gray soy-based Toyo inks.
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Cover printed on a Komori G40 40" 6-color printing press.
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Innards printed on a Komori Lithrone 26" 5-color printing press.
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Bound by a Mueller Martini Bravo T 6-pocket saddle stitcher with cover feeder, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the "Founding Fathers of the Staple."
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Corners precisely rounded to ⅜" (9.5mm) by a Challenge round-corner machine.
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Graph grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm x 4.7mm).
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Memo book dimensions are 3½" × 5½" (89mm × 140mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927) in its materials.
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.