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Like the vast majority of our Quarterly Releases, this product is sold out. To save some money, get exclusive items, and make sure you don’t miss a release, consider a year-long subscription.
Our 15th QUARTERLY Edition
Perfect With Peanuts and Cracker Jack
What are the last two words of the National Anthem? “Play Ball” of course. In the spirit of a heated pennant race or just a kids-versus-dads pick-up game at the park on a steamy afternoon, we present the 15th Field Notes Quarterly Edition, Day Game, which comes with the very first release from Field Notes Brand Books, Kevin Guilfoile’s true story about baseball and memory,
The Day Game edition includes three memo books, each with a different color cover: “Outfield Green,” “Infield Brown,” and “Hardball White.” Each features high-gloss, foil-stamped type on a French Paper Company 100# cover, with white type on the green and brown books and “Baseball Stitching Red” on the white books. The interior pages are a 50# Finch Opaque and sport a light-tan version of our popular dot-graph pattern. The Practical Applications section is, of course, related to our national pastime and these books are perfect for recording your fantasy team roster, Wiffle Ball stadium plans, or lifetime Cracker Jack prize list.

A True Tale, Well Told
While the “Day Game” Edition is long sold out, copies of Kevin Guilfoile’s A Drive into the Gap, which was sent as a gift to subscribers along with the 3-Packs, are available. Read an excerpt, see a film, and pls consider buying the book for yourself, or the baseball fan in your life.
A Drive into the Gap is a true story about baseball. And fathers and sons. It’s about memory and identity, and an insidious illness that can rob a person of both.
It’s also a detective story, an investigation into the improbable journey of a baseball bat from the hands of Roberto Clemente, and one of the most iconic moments in the game’s history, to a 12-year-old boy’s bedroom.
A Drive into the Gap has been meticulously designed and typeset. It is larger (4½" × 6½") than a standard Field Notes memo book and features a foil-stamped, heavy cover stock. The text is set in Morris Fuller Benton’s classic Century Schoolbook and the interior pages are of a beautiful, recycled, natural “off-white” from Neenah Paper. The book is printed and perfect-bound by the venerable Stromberg Allen and Company (est. 1889) of Tinley Park, Illinois. It just might be the nicest thing we’ve made yet.
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Proudly printed by the good people of Service Graphics, Inc., Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.
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Covers: French Dur-O-Tone 100#C Pop-Tone "Jellybean Green," 80#C "Packing Brown Wrap," and 100#C Construction "Recycled White," with leaf stamping and a thick, brute force application of "Pinstripe Blue" soy-based Toyo ink.
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Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T "Bright White," with a fine, 1-color application of "Double Knee Duck Canvas" light brown, soy-based Toyo ink.
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Inside cover printed on a Mitsubishi Diamond Series 40" 6-color printing press. Outer cover leaf-stamped with a Brandtjen & Kluge model EHE.
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Innards printed on a Miller TP104 28" × 40" 2-color printing press.
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Bound by a Heidelberg ST350 "Stitchmaster" 8-pocket saddle stitcher.
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Corners precisely rounded to ⅜" (9.5mm) by a CRC round-corner machine.
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Dot-graph grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm × 4.7mm).
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Memo book dimensions are 3½" × 5½" (89mm × 140mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.