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Drink Local
3 Ales, 3 Lagers, 2 Coasters

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Our 20th QUARTERLY Edition
Ales & Lagers
Our 20th Quarterly Edition, Drink Local, features heavyweight New Page Sterling Premium 120# covers with a soft touch varnish, giving them a soft, almost rubbery feel. The logo is varnished with a contrasting gloss, and each book is colored to represent a different brew, with a brief history of each style of beer on the back cover. Inside is our acclaimed Finch Opaque Smooth 50# text paper, with a “Hefeweizen” yellow-orange graph grid. It’s all bound together with bright gold staples.

There are two 3-Pack versions available: Ales and Lagers, limited to 10,000 3-Packs each. Ales features Stout (dark brown-black), Amber Ale (warm red), and India Pale Ale (rusty orange). Lagers features Pilsner (gold), Bock (brown), and Pale Lager (pale yellow).

Each three pack comes bound in a chipboard belly band with a matching (Ales or Lagers) 3½"-diameter, 2-color, pub-style coaster, lovingly letterpress-printed in Chicago by our new pal Liz Isakson-Dado on a vintage press.

Usually our films are meandering meditations on something sorta related to the latest edition, but in knowing how well beer and commercials go hand in hand, here’s our first thirty-second, TV-ready spot.
- 01.
Proudly printed by the good people of Service Graphics, Inc., Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.
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Cover: New Page Sterling Premium 120#C “Dull” printed with six soy-based Toyo inks with an overall “soft touch” varnish and gloss-varnished logos.
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Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T “Bright White,” with a 1-color application of “Hefeweizen” light brown soy-based Toyo ink.
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Cover printed on a Mitsubishi Diamond Series 40" 6-color printing press.
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Innards printed on a Miller TP104 28" × 40" 2-color printing press.
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Bound by a Heidelberg ST350 “Stitchmaster” 8-pocket saddle stitcher, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the “Founding Fathers of the Staple.”
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Corners precisely rounded to ⅜" (9.5mm) by a CRC round-corner machine.
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Graph grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm × 4.7mm).
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Memo book dimensions are 3½" × 5½" (89mm × 140mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.