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Dry Transfer
Customize Your Covers

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Our 10th QUARTERLY Edition
Spring brings a new item to our line of Quarterly Editions. These new notebooks look like our Original Kraft memo books, with the notable absence of our brand name. This ________ edition allows you to customize your Field Notes with any phrase of your choosing with the included authentic dry-transfer lettering!

Relive the golden age of graphic arts and command the power of 36-point Futura Bold using our FN-11 Dry Transfer Kit and the FN-11B Application Template (click here for template and detailed instructions). Kern and align carefully for the authentic Field Notes look, or go crazy with creativity and make the damn thing look like a Bay City Rollers fanzine. No one can stop you.
We asked our Graphic Arts teacher, Mr. Bedell, to show how it’s done:
Each kit includes three blank Field Notes (French Dur-O-Tone 80# “Packing Brown Wrap” covers with “Double Knee Duck Canvas”-lined graph paper), one sheet of transfer lettering, a burnishing stick, and an instruction card
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Proudly printed by the good people of Service Graphics, Inc., Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.
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Cover: French Dur-O-Tone 80#C “Packing Brown Wrap,” with a thick, brute force, 1-Color application of “Dachshund Nose” black soy-based Toyo ink.
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Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T “Bright White,” with a fine, 1-Color application of “Double Knee Duck Canvas” light brown soy-based Toyo ink.
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Covers printed on a Mitsubishi Diamond Series 40" 6-color printing press.
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Innards printed on a Miller TP104 28" × 40" 2-color printing press.
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Bound by a Heidelberg ST350 “Stitchmaster” 8-pocket saddle stitcher, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the “Founding Fathers of the Staple.”
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Corners precisely rounded to ⅜" (9.5mm) by a CRC round-corner machine.
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Graph grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm × 4.7mm).
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Memo book dimensions are 3½" × 5½" (89mm × 140mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.