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Our 24th Quarterly Edition, introduces brand-new, limited-edition Field Notes memo books for the fall of 2014. We generally take this chance to describe the papers, materials, and process in excruciating detail, but this time, we’ll let the film explain it all:
Here’s what we tell you: each Unexposed pack features three 5½" x 3½" 48-page memo books in an opaque black sleeve. The interior paper features our reticle-graph, last seen in the Night Sky edition from Summer 2013.
We won’t ruin the surprise by giving away any more than that, except to say that each pack contains three of the six memo books that make up this edition. So, there are 20 different possible combinations. Which combination you receive is left up to chance. You don’t know what you’ll get, and neither do we! But we’re confident you’ll enjoy them.
Proudly printed by the good people of eDOC Communications, Mount Prospect, Ill.
Cover: Sappi McCoy 11#C Silk White with a thick, brute force application of two (of six) fluorescent soy-based Saphira inks and a soft-touch coating.
Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T "Bright White," with a fine, 1-color application of Pantone Cool Gray 2 soy-based Saphira ink.
Cover and innards printed on a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 105 40" 6-color printing press.
Bound by a Harris Bookbinder 6-pocket saddle stitcher with cover feeder, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the "Founding Fathers of the Staple."
Corners rounded to ⅜" (9.5mm) by a Challenge SCM round-corner machine.
Reticle grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm x 4.7mm).
Memo book dimensions are 3½" × 5½" (89mm × 140mm).
FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
© 2025 field notes brand
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401 North Racine Avenue Chicago, IL 60642
proudly printed in the U.S.A.
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