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Our dear friends at Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum invited us up for their annual Wayzgoose Type Conference last weekend. We worked with the museum to produce our Spring 2015 “Two Rivers” Edition and we couldn’t love them more, so we took advantage of the chance to visit again. It was sad to see the now-empty space where a large share of America’s wood type was manufactured, but it was great to see the museum packed to the gills with hundreds of printers, designers, historians, and typographers in town for the festivities. We had a great time catching up with old friends, making new ones, enjoying great presentations from the likes of Steven Heller, Marian Bantjes, and Dan Rhatigan, and eating all the fried cheese curds we could find. Thanks again to Jim, Stephanie, Bill, Mari, and Tootsie, can’t wait to see you all again soon! The Two Rivers edition is gone, but we still encourage you to visit and support the Museum whenever you can, they’re amazing people doing important work.