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We get mail.
Dear Field Notists-
It’s about the vanished sub-genre of leather ‘Pony Express’ pouches. Since they are a perfect fit for otter-boxed iPhones, it CAN’T be that nobody wants to trade you money for such pocket-sized practical perfection. Maybe it’s a Hatfield-McCoy type feud going on that has tossed you into the NDA clutches of scheming attorneys & their cynical enablers! Anyway, it has been a tiny rewarding adventure the past coupla’ years tracking down fugitive PONYS in European stationery shops etc. but that is so tapped OUT! Is it possible you guys could produce a 2-1/2 minute mini-doc, investigative vid probing the vast mystery of these extinct gems? My theory is the switch from the unadorned ‘silvery’ metal snap-button to that ridiculously pretentious ‘GOLD’ stand-in was the prelude to the plank-walking disappearance that was to follow…(?) Anyway, working w/ power-line crews all over the place, I heartlessly decline countless pleas to trade my battered Field Notes pouch for all kinds of inducements… gloves, chocolate, charged-up $tarbucks cards, old-fashioned paper money etc.
IBEW Local # 58, Detroit near Canada
Thank for the note JJ. Sadly the Pony Express is out of stock, but we did manage to find one in the back. It’s on the way.