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We get mail
Thanks to John Withum for his photo (above) and note:
“…in a moment of unsuspecting fortune… I packed a Cold Horizon as a back-up. It came in handy to record information about new flights and accommodations, as well as tips from our cab driver about what to see and eat. Here’s a picture of it against the backdrop of the Greenland Sea. If you ever wondered if you got the look of a “Cold Horizon” right… I think you did. This was as the sun was coming up at 11:15 am. You’ve got to love the Arctic Circle!"
Looking into the Distance
January and February are always a little slow for us, at least compared to the madness that is the holiday shopping season and the end of the year. Behind the scenes however, we’re cranking at full speed. Our Spring and Summer limited editions are both in production. We couldn’t be more excited about these, they’re both concepts we have been itching to do for quite some time.
For Spring, we solved a major production problem last week and now it’s finally full speed ahead. We know we say this all the time, but NOW would be a very good time to start a year-long subscription. Summer is ambitious and will be a ton of fun. And even though it’s a long way off, and is going to take us (and a co-conspirator) a very long time to complete, we can make this unequivocal promise: Fall is going to completely blow your mind.
We have a couple special projects in the works, we’ll be ready to talk about them shortly. Also, as we have for the past several years, we’re sponsoring The Morning News Tournament of Books in March, and raising money for the awesomeness that is 826 National through sales of a unique single notebook. Stay tuned for that too.
So Long, Buddy

We’ve said farewell to Dime Novel, Black Ice and Sweet Tooth recently. We’re now sold out of all of those. However, diligent hunters may be able to find them at one of the thousands of stores that make up our retail network. So you know, Shenandoah will be sold out very soon, we only have a handful of them left in stock. That edition has always been a particular favorite around HQ. We were excited to learn about one of the most beautiful and historic places in our country, and produce our very-first custom-duplexed cover stock too. We’re sad to see it go. After all, it’s not every day you get to make a film employing Thomas Jefferson as a copywriter.
Squirrels with Flashlights

We’re now offering a limited run of signed-and-numbered uncut press sheets from the Haxley Edition. Each sheet is 26" wide by 40" tall and signed by the artist, Jay Ryan. These sheets include the final piece of the printing process — the screen-printed glow-in-the-dark flashlight beams of Haxley’s squirrel friends. We sat down with Jay for a chat about Haxley recently. Check it out.
We’ve sold quite a few of these already. If you bought one, send us a pic of it framed and hung on a wall and we’ll send you a present.
Various & Sundry
“This is some next-level Field Notes nerdery you’re about to witness.” Jinnie takes on our mostly-consistent but occasionally-befuddling, product numbering system at Three Staples. Oh boy.
Jenny Mason reviewed our current limited-edition release, Resolution, for the Finer Point. Thanks for that.
Thanks to the ever-vigilent Wirecutter for including us in their big round up of Best Gear for Travel. We’re in the Exploring section.
Way-Back Machine
Remember when Bryan created this film to coincide with Valentine’s Day, and he made every other husband who brought home lame flowers look like a jerk?