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FNC–23 Summer 2014
Arts and Sciences
Two Big to Fail

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Our 23rd Quarterly Edition
For Bigger Ideas
Arts and Sciences 2-Packs are sold out but check out our Pitch Black Notebook in a similar format and style.
Our 23rd Quarterly Edition introduces a brand-new, larger Field Notes format for Summer 2014. We’ve created a 2-Pack of 7½" by 4¾" memo books big enough to accommodate ideas from both sides of your brain. Each book features sturdy Mohawk Loop 110-lb covers with silver ink and debossed logos, with of Finch Opaque 50-lb text paper inside.

The Arts memo book is designated for creative musings, featuring a wine-colored cover containing a wealth of handy information for writers and fine artists. Its 64 interior pages are quarter-inch ruled in “Academy Gray” for prose and poetry on the right-hand (“recto”) side, and blank on the left-hand (“verso”) side for sketches, scribbles, and sentence diagrams.

Sciences sports a dark slate gray cover loaded with the formulas, theories, and ideas you need to get you through your day. The recto pages feature an all-new “Engineer’s Graph” subdivided into one-inch, half-inch, and tenth-inch squares in “Academy Gray.” As with Arts, the “verso” side of the sheet is blank, awaiting your diagrams, calculations, and observations.

Our series of teaser films examines what happens when art meets science and vice-versa. If you went to liberal-arts college, it will all probably seem pretty familiar.
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Proudly printed by the good people of eDOC Communications, Mount Prospect, Ill.
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Arts Cover: Mohawk Loop 110#C "Chili" Antique Vellum, with debossed logos and a thick, brute force application of "Antique Silver" soy-based Toyo ink.
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Sciences Cover: Mohawk Loop 110#C "Urban Gray" Antique Vellum, with debossed logos and a thick, brute force application of "Antique Silver" soy-based Toyo ink.
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Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 50#T "Bright White," with a fine, 1-color application of "Academy Gray" soy-based Toyo ink.
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Cover and innards printed on a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 105 40" 6-color printing press.
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Bound by a Harris Bookbinder 6-pocket saddle stitcher with cover feeder, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the "Founding Fathers of the Staple."
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Corners rounded to ½" (12.7mm) by a Challenge SCM round-corner machine.
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Arts Book has Plain Paper (left spread) and Ruled Lines: ¼" (6.35mm) (right spread).
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Sciences Book has Plain Paper (left spread) and Engineer's Graph Lines: 1/10" (2.54mm), ½" (12.7mm), 1" (25.4mm) (right spread).
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Memo book dimensions are 4¾" × 7½" (121mm × 191mm).
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FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
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All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.