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We’re super-thankful for the many newspapers, magazines, websites, bloggers, and influencers that include us in their end-of-year gift lists. Every year the list grows bigger, and new ones appear every day, but here are a few of our favorites, maybe they'll give you a few other shopping ideas, too. (Continue reading below for the FIeld Notes’ crew’s recommendations for 2023!)
New York Times Wirecutter
34 Wirecutter-Approved Stocking Stuffers for Adults
(original Kraft)
25 Amazing Gift Ideas Under $25
(National Parks)
Holiday Gift Guide 2023: Best Travel Gifts For Crafters
(Line & Color Kit)
Top Picks For Pops: The 44 Best Gifts For Dads That Show You Care
(National Parks)
Los Angeles Times
17 tiny stocking stuffers that make a big impact
(National Parks, Front Page, and 5E Gaming Journals)
Popular Mechanics
These Stocking Stuffers for Men Won’t Be Regifted This Holiday Season
(National Parks)
Men’s Health
These Stocking Stuffers Will Put Santa to Shame
(National Parks)
The best digital gifts to send your friends and family
(Quarterly Subscription)
USA Today
Here Are Some Seriously Epic Stocking Stuffers for Men:
Mystery League’s “Signals”
2023 Signals Holiday Gift Guide
The Wishlist: 15 Best Everyday Carry Gifts
(Foiled Again)
Gear Patrol
The Best New Outdoor Apparel, Footwear and Camp Gear of 2023 (So Far)
The 2023 Kottke Holiday Gift Guide
(original Kraft)
The 25 Best Outdoor Gifts Under $25
(Expedition, Birch Bark)
Beyond Bylines
7 Gifts for Journalists and Bloggers That They’ll Actually Use
(Front Page)
Jon Daiello (YouTube)
Gift Guide for UX Designers 2023
(Heavy Duty)
Chase Reeves (YouTube)
2023 Gift Guide
Ask Men:
Best Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Men
(National Parks)
Alliance for American Manufacturing:
2023 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide, By State
(Quarterly Subscription)
Field Notes employees have been known to grab a few packs from the warehouse right before our holiday break to stuff some stockings. Our friends and families are probably no longer surprised when they unwrap ’em, but they’re still happy to have ’em! It’s also handy to have a few packs on hand for all the teachers, mail carriers, and such that you didn’t think about until the last minute.
Here’s what we’re giving to whom this year:
I give The Steno to family members because it helps them stay organized, is great for lists, lies flat on a desk or table, and most of all because it’s a just-about-perfect scorekeeping book. Heidi can keep a running tally of the times she’s kicked my butt at Scrabble, and my Mom can look back and admire her streak of whooping me at Rummy.
My Mom grew up in Kansas and would regularly visit her uncle’s farm in the western part of the state. She has very fond memories of her time spent there with her family. I think she will love the Heartland 3-Pack. It will remind her of those memories, with the beautiful covers showing different day parts of a working farm.
My brother and his family are avid roadtrippers and have visited many of America’s National Parks. I’ve gifted him some of our 3-Packs over the years, but what he doesn’t have for his family’s new digs in the PNW is a National Parks Press Sheet. Now I just need to decide which one…
I love giving the 56-Week Planner to the members of my trivia team. You can start it at any point in the year and there’s plenty of room to jot down a list of US Presidents in order and make a note about which Emmy-Award-winning TV series shared more than 20 cast members with what Academy-Award-winning 1990 film (this is a real question).
I love gifting (and using) the National Parks packs! They remind me and others of trips taken and aspiring ones to take. Plus they contain my favorite page type-graph! The covers are so colorful, and stand out in the black hole my purse can be at times or amongst all the paper that collects from kids on the counter. Plus we all learn a little something with the information-filled back covers.
The list of proofreading marks in Front Page is really useful. Back in the day my grandmother worked as a stenographer for the county government, often writing in shorthand. Before it could be typed up it had to be proofread and corrected using those same marks. Nearly nobody uses shorthand these days but typos and grammar errors will be with us forever.
With a years-long campaign behind us, and future campaigns still a mystery, I want to equip my adventuring party with some 5E Gaming Journals to help them come up with and track new characters. Giving the DM tools to build a world, new monsters, and epic encounters is the icing on the cake
It was a dream come true for Matt and I to visit Nashville and work with Hatch Show Print on their recent set of Field Notes. I’m going to wrap up a set for Matt, to remind him I’m covering his FN work while he’s down there printing for two weeks this month.