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Like the vast majority of our Quarterly Releases, this product is sold out. To save some money, get exclusive items, and make sure you don’t miss a release, consider a year-long subscription.
These Pair Nicely
Our 39th Quarterly Edition
Commencing Countdown

Fifty years ago, America was in the midst of a historic quest to land a man on the Moon. Our 39th Quarterly Release, the “Three Missions” Edition, celebrates the space programs that got us there with three graph paper notebooks for your space-flight planning and three assemble-yourself space capsule models too!
Each 3-Pack consists of three Memo Books, one each for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs. These notebooks are full of facts and figures. The covers feature dramatic photographs of iconic moments from those missions, printed in full process color, plus “Orbital Silver” metallic ink and an aqueous coating. The insides are Finch Opaque 60#T white graph paper with the rules printed in an extremely light “Firmament Gray” ink. Those pages will be helpful in planning a summer picnic, or calculating optimal orbital trajectories and eccentricities.
Simulators for 1:50-Scale Astronauts
Additionally, you’ll notice these 3-Packs come in a slightly larger package than usual. That’s because each set also contains three “Punch-Out and Assemble” Mission-Specific Crew Capsule Models – for fun and education.

Need some help assembling the capsules? Check our overly-wordy instructions (Download).
Now keep in mind that these models will not survive reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, probably won’t float after splashdown and are unlikely to earn you a ticker-tape parade. They have, however, been tested in outer space and returned safely to Earth. Really:
For more details about how we made this film, check Small Steps and Giant Leaps, a new entry in Dispatches.
We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we, here at Field Notes Mission Control, enjoyed making them. As we researched these books, we were constantly and dramatically reminded of the truly monumental achievements of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo scientists, support and crew members. Our thanks goes out to them, and also the current staff at NASA and the JPL. Let’s go back to the moon – and beyond!

Space Junk
While supplies last, we have Three Missions Press Sheet Sets available for only fifty bucks. Man, those would look swell on the wall of your Mission Control.
A Year-Long Voyage
Year-long subscribers also received an exclusive item with their Summer shipment, an old-school water-transfer decal that’s perfect for your laptop, station wagon, or Lunar Rover. For more information about subscriptions, and to see all of our previous editions, click here.

- 01.
Proudly printed by the good people of eDOC Communications, Mount Prospect, Ill.
- 02.
Cover: Westrock Tango 12pt. C1S “White” with cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and “Orbital Silver” soy-based Saphira inks and an aqueous coating.
- 03.
Innards: Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 60#T “Bright White,” with a light, 1-color dusting of “Firmament Gray” soy-based Saphira ink.
- 04.
Cover and innards printed on a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 105 40" 6-color printing press.
- 05.
Bound with a Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST 270 5-pocket saddle stitcher with cover feeder/scorer & Rima RS 10S in-line stacker, with appreciation to Samuel Slocum, George W. McGill, and William J. Brown, the “Founding Fathers of the Staple.”
- 06.
Corners precisely rounded to a 3/8" (9.5mm) radius with a Challenge SCM double round-corner machine.
- 07.
Graph grid: 3/16" × 3/16" (4.7mm × 4.7mm).
- 08.
Memo book dimensions are 3-1/2" × 5-1/2" (89mm × 140mm).
- 09.
Package dimension with models is 5.5" × 7.5" × .625" (140mm × 191mm x 15.8mm).
- 10.
Models and backing sheet printed on Domtar Lynx 80#C in seven spot colors by eDOC Communications, Mount Prospect, Ill. and die cut by Nu Wave Die Cutting and Finishing, Chicago, Ill.
- 11.
Water-transfer decals printed in five spot colors by Art Decal Enterprises, Long Beach, Cal.
- 12.
FIELD NOTES uses only the Futura typeface family (Paul Renner, 1927), in collaboration with Monotype.
- 13.
All FIELD NOTES memo books are printed and manufactured in the U.S.A.
- 14.
UPC: 858493003714